Wednesday, June 12, 2013

India's declining sex ratio

In India, there is a rapid decline in the sex ratio which is a cause of great concern.
    Most countries especially the developed ones have a healthy 0-6 child ratio. But in  India it is not the same story.
     The sex ratio of 927 in the 0-6 age group is the overall national average. There are many states in India where the ratio has dropped even below 900. The states like Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttrakhand, Haryana, Delhi and Gujrat have seen most of the decline in the sex ratio in recent years. Most of these states are healthy & economically strong. But they have poor sex ratio. On the other hand some backword & poor states have a sex ratio better than the national average.
      Several reasons are attributed to the decrease in the no. of girl childs like neglect of girl child, high maternal mortality, female infanticide and female foeticide and misuse of diagnostic procedures and instruments like ultrasound which are used to determine the sex of the foetus.
     The descrimination against the girl child is a concern for Indian Government. Govt of India has inacted various laws against the use of diagnostic techniques for sex selection. The Pre conception & Pre Natal Diagnostic Technique(PC & PNDT Act) is such an act to prevent the misuse of diagnostic technique. This act also prohibits advertisement regarding facilities of pre natal determination of sex of the foetus.The violation of this Act is pinishable with imprisonment.
        The Govt of India is using various campaigns to make people aware against the ill effect of poor male-female sex ratio.But despite the efforts of the govt, civil society, NGOs and UN agencies no  much progress has been made.And therfore new strategies & efforts must be made to end this menace in society.

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