Saturday, June 15, 2013

Capital Punishment In Indian Perspective

Capital punishment is the punishment of death for a penalty for violating the laws of the country. Since ancient times people have been put to death for wrong deeds. Some of the methods of execution includes practices such as crucifixion, burning, shooting, drowning, beheading etc.

            In modern times the death penalty is one of the most harsh punishment. Other physical forms of punishment have generally been eliminated as being unnecessary at modern era. The nations of the orld have different views on the issue of Capital Punishent. About 80 percent nations have abolished the death penalty & almost same number of nations have retained it.

           The most important thing is that every person in the society has an equal right to life and persuit of happiness. But still there is some justification of capital punishment since some acts are so destructive for our society that it becomes necessary to punish that person. In a society it is expected that every person honour & respect the claims of others. The denial of life & opportunity to another person reject one's claim to continue in the society.

           The capital punishment is necessary for the sake of maintaining law & order in the society. But the question is whether the capital punishment in extreme cases or not.

            Our society must promote  the fullfillment of common goals to coordinate our lives. In a society everyone must live with mutual love and contribute towards the better living. Mahatma Gandhi has rightly said " An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind". Those who are a threat to others life must be dealt with severely so that they could not become threat to others life. But it will be good for the society to find out the reasons and circumstances which are responsible for such crimes and rectify apart from punishing the culprits.

          There are arguments for and against the capital punishment. Some people favour the capital punishment since they think that it will act as a restrained to others to act in the same way. But there are a lot of arguments against the capital punishment. some of them are given below:

  1. Wrong judgement: Some times an innocent person is put to death. It may be due to reasons such as revenge, hatred against some caste, bias, etc. Most of the victims are poor are unable to defend themselves due to lack of resources.

2. Long confinement before death: Some times people on death row are confines for a long time before the final judgement is arrived. Hence a person suffers many a times in the jail before final execution takes place. There has been some cases when an inmate has died  in the jail premishes before he could be executive because of unnecassary delay in pronouncing the order.

In final conclusion we can say that the capital punishment are considered by most as unnecessary & degrading for the society.

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