Monday, June 24, 2013

Atom Bomb And Its Evils

It was German scientist named Onto Habur, who was successfull in making the atom bomb by splitting the atom. He got the Noble prize for 1944-45. It was America which first tested the Atom bomb in the deserts of Mexico. Later on, to bring the Second World War to an end, America dropped two atom bombs on Japan. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. After three days, on August 9 1945, the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. The world was horrified. Both the cities were raised to the ground. Nothing was left there. America came out the World War as the biggest and the mightiest country of the world.

          Now even the atom bomb has become a thing of the past. Scientist have been successful in fusing Hydrogen atoms into one Helium atom. From this fusion, they have made the Hydrogen bomb. It is said to be many times more destructive than the atom bomb. And still more destructive in the series is the Neutron Bomb prepared by America and Russia.

          Some people have argued that the atom bomb is the greatest security against a future World War. The world will now live in peace. Due to the fear of this dangerous bomb, no power will ever think of going to atomic war. But the facts are quite different. The world is today sitting on top of a volcano. Any moment, it may burst out and bring the world to an end. The fear of the atom bomb has started a mad race for it among all the nations. They are investing huge amounts of finances in piling up stocks of such bombs. The smaller countries, which do not have them, have no place in the world affairs. It is a challenge to mankind. Either man should put an end to war, or war will end him. Dr. Einstein, world famous scientist, told the people that the fourth War, if it all  breaks out. will be fought with bricks and stones. Indeed a third World War will reduce every thing in the world to ashes. The world today is the verge of extinction.

         How to save the world from the bomb? Great thinkers are busy in finding out some answer to this question. It has been suggested that the use of nuclear weapons should be banned. All nations should stop manufacturing them. Rajaji had once suggested to America that she should throw all her Atom and Hydrogen bombs into the sea. But no successful results have been achieved so far. Scientist are hopeful of finding out some means of protection against the Atom and Hydrogen Bombs. We can only live on hopes. Otherwise the danger is too great. Any moment of the entire civilization may come to an end.

        Gandhiji used to tell people that real answer to the atom bomb was the 'Atama Bal'. But to develop such spiritual force is not an easy task. Even then organised public opinion can play a vital role. People of all nations should unite together. They should force their Governments by their united voice to stop manufacturing and testing nuclear weapons. No Government can afford to go against its people. If the people are successful in organising such strong public opinion, then alone the world will be saved. This is the only way out against the danger of  the atom bomb.

         We are happy to note that some progress have been made in this direction. A test ban treaty banning the testing in air, water and on earth has been signed by most of the great countries of the world. Let us hope this step would lead to the next step, i.e. banning of the use of atomoic weapons and the destruction of all the nuclear bombs that are in stock with America and Russia.

          With the break up of the former Soviet Union the nuclear race between  the USA and Russia has ended. But China has also succeeded in making the atom bomb. India has also successfully conducted the underground nuclear explosions, though she is committed to the use of the nuclear energy for peaceful purposes only. Pakistan has also conducted underground nuclear explosion. Let us hope world will be free of nuclear bomb in the coming future.

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