Sunday, June 16, 2013

Achievements Of Modern Science

The present age is the age of science. science has influenced every walk of life. Today man cannot live even for a while without the use of one or the other of its inventions. Science has provided us with all possible comforts and has increased our happiness. Let us here duscuss some of the important of its wonders.

         Science has provided us swift means of communications. The simple villagers still consider the railways as the work of gods. The railways have removed all the dangers and difficulties that man had to face during a journey in the past. By the steamship man has acquired complete mastery over the wild oceans. In the aeroplane, he can fly like birds. One can now take lunch in Delhi and dinner in Bombay, or calcutta. The globe has shrunk and the world has become a small place. Science has acquired time and space.

         Still more wonderfull is the invention of the wireless devices. It is now possible to talk to a person at a distance of thousands of kilometers. Through the radio we can enjoy songs, dialogues, stories etc. We can talk to our relatives & friends living in any part of the world thorough cell phones.
We can listen to news from every corner of the world. We have not to go anywhere, we have simply to turn the switch of our radio. Through the television we can also see the face of the singer or the speaker. The wireless devices has proved to be a great blessing for mankind and is serving the humanity in various ways.

          Science has invented many wonderfull machines. There is a machine for every purpose of life. Cranes can lift heavy weights. Tractors can plough fields, sow seeds and reap crops. Machines can cook our food and serve it for us. In short, machines have lessened human drudgery and added to our comfort and happiness.

          Electricity is another wonder of science. It has turned night into day. In the winter it heats our rooms and in the summerit cools them. It moves our fans and other machines. Our cinemas, radio and TV sets are all worked by it. Even trains are now running by it. It is impossible to describe in full the manifold services of the wonders of science.

          Science has also achieved wonders in the field of medicine. There is now a cure for almost all kinds of diseases. Vaccines check the spread of infections as cholera, smallpox, etc. Peniciline and Streptomycine have proved to be a boon for the human body. Through the X ray and cat scanners we can see the inner parts of the human body. Soon, it will become possible to cure cancer & AIDS also. Heart surgery has already  become a matter of routine. Medical science has conquered pain and suffering and lengthened human life. It has given eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf, voice to the dumb and hand and feet to the cripple.

         Computer is another recent wonder of science. Computer is a machine which process information and preserves memory. Computer makes calculations at a very fast rate. Computer are being used in every field eg, medicine, communication, space research, predicting weather, banks, industry, business and scientific research, predicting weather. The computer is the most honest and humble servant of humanity. It does not get involved in corrupt practise and favouritism. Being a machine a computer does not suffer fom the human traits of tiredness and lack of concentration and other weakness.

         It is not possible to enumerate all the wonders of modern science. Everyday we hear a new wonder. Some years ago the atom was broken and its energy was used to produce the dreadful Atom bomb. It is hoped that the peaceful uses of this tremendous energy would bring in an age of peace and prosperity, such as the world has never seen before. Scientists have succeeded in sending man into outer space and in bringing him back to earth. It is hoped in the future there would be more progress in the field of science and it continue the serve the mankind and make its life easier.

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