Sunday, June 30, 2013

Global Warming

The earth has a natural system of balancing the absorption and release of heat, that it absorbs from the sunlight, but for the last few years, the balance seems to be under threat. There have been enormous increase in gases like carbon-dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide etc.

          As the temperature rises, there is a rise in sea level, due to melting of glaciers and the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica. While sea level is expected to rise almost every year but a considerable variation is seen nowadays. In some regions the rise in sea level, may be almost nil, but other might experience a rise as much as twice the global average. The prediction are that the rise in sea level in some parts of north pacific and to the west of Greenland may be comparatively more and it can spoil the ecological balance of the respective region.

        As per the latest report of UK Met office's Hadley centre for Climate Prediction and Research, global warming over the next century might turn out to be much worse than estimated. If the Green House Gas(GHG) emissions are stabilised, which means immediate cut of 60-70% emission of carbon dioxide globally, even then the rise of atmospheric temperature would be 1 degree C and the rise in sea level would be approximately 1 meter. Based on the finding of Intergovernmental Panel on climate change(IPCC), the center predicted that the warming overland could be a 6 degree C in temperature by 2100, that is 2 degree C higher than the earlier estimates.

        As per the findings of a joint study conducted by an Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi and Hadley Centre, the global warming may also cause a good increase in rainfall over western coastline of India.

Effects of Afforestation:-

It is assumed that planting more trees will solve the problems as the trees absorb more carbon dioxide, but it is wrong presumption.Planting more trees will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in some parts of the world, but in other parts, global warming may hamper the growth of trees or even may cause their destruction. Therefore afforestation may not be a perfect solution to this problem. One important point to note that forest area is usually darker than the other areas, especially when the surface is snowclad and being darker absorbs more solar radiation than land surface and so the benefits of their carbon intake could be reduced and in some areas be reversed by the darkening effect. Dying forests might result in greater emission of carbon dioxide, thus changing the climate to our peril.

          The Hadley center reported that the average temperature in 1999 was lower than that of the year 1998, but still the year 1999 was the fifth warmest year since global records began in 1860. The centre has further discovered that by 2050, the trees and soils will start falling and perishing which will result in less absorption of carbon dioxide.

           Global warming due to sunlight is likely to be set off or reduced to some extent by volcanic aerosols. During the 21st century, large scale reduction in the amount of rainfall is being expected in some areas such as southern Africa, Australia, Central America and the northern region of South America. The highest increase in precipitation over land may occur in East Asia, Central Africa, Eastern South America and at high latitudes.

           The Hadley centre has also predicted that Antarctica ice may may have all melted away by 2100, if urgent precautionary measures are not taken to cut down emission of green house gases. The melting of ice is due to warming of water of the North Atlantic as well as due to rising air temperature in the region. Melting ice from the frozen continents shall increase the level of sea. Melting of sea ice can further accelerate global warming as the ocean surface would not now reflect as much sunlight as ice sheets.

Adverse effects of Global Warming

1) Antarctica home of penguin is getting hotter slowly and gradually. The annual melt season has increased upto three weeks in the last twenty years.
2) Mount kili Manjaro has lost 75% of its ice cap since 1912.The ice on this Africa's highest peak could vanis within next 15 years if no remedial measures are taken.
3) Venezuelan mountain peaks had only two glaciers today out of six.
4) India's worst heat stroke killed more than 2500 people in May 1998.
5) Polar Bears in Hudson Bay are having fewer cubs, possibly as a result of earlier spring ice breaks up.
6) Coral reefs suffer from the loss of algae that colour and nourish them. The process is called bleaching is caused by warmer ocean.
7) Florida farmland upto 300 meters inland from Bisayne Bay is being infiltrated by salt water rendering the land too toxic for crops. Salt water is also nibbling at the edge of farms on Maryland's eastern shore.

             According to World Meteorological Organisation, deaths from heat waves in big cities are expected to double world wide over the next two decades, if no measures are taken to check the global warming. In the largest cities of USA, an average of 1500 deaths take place every year. It is expected to increase by 3000-4000 till 2020.

             A study conducted by Indian Ocean Experiment(INDOX) reveals that the effect of aerosols in the atmosphere will magnify the warming over several developing countries. The study indicats that precipitation might change over tropical regions due to aerosols. Aerosols have both a warming and cooling effect in the climate. On average estimation, aerosols are expected to have cooling effect as they indirectly help in the formation of cloud droplets, making clouds more bright and more reflective.

            In 1992, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) was adopted. It recognised that the industrialized countries mere mostly responsible for increased Green House Gases, concentration in the Earth's atmosphere and should be the first to act against climate change.

            In 1997, United Nation's conference on global warming was held in the ancient Japanese Capital of Kyoto for ten days, the climate change meet lay deadlocked as none was ready to take initiative to check the further damage to planet Earth. USA and 37 other industrial nations agreed to binding reduction in their Green House Gas emission by 2012, setting out a target of five percent below 1990 levels. The next meeting held at Buenous Aires, where it was agreed on Nov 14 1998 to set a time table for discussing by 2000 the many issues that still needs to be settled.

           Actually USA and Europe want that other developing countries like India, China should act as per the accord signed at Kyoto, but India, China have their own reasons as these countries, industrialization has just began, while developed countries who are actually responsible for the global warming must act fact to have some remedial measures.

          In a nutshell the global warming has become a grave threat to the ecological balance of the earth. The civilization is moving slowly towards a doomsday. All the nations particularly the most developed countries have to be active to take immediate actions on the matter, otherwise the human race shall have to face an unimaginable peril and the day is not too far.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Human Cloning - A Dangerous Invention

In 1997, researchers at Scotland Rosline Institute, led by embryologist Ian Wilmat reported that they have successfully cloned a sheep- named Dolly from the cell of an adult ewe. In 1988, scientist at the University of Hawaii, cloned a mouse creating not only a dozen of copies, but three generations of cloned clones. In the same year two research teams succeeded in growing embryonic stem cells.

         In November 2001, the scientists were able to clone the first human embryo. From pure scientific analysis, it was unprecedented milestone in the field of genetic engineering technology, but the news created a  fetter among the moralists, governments. US president Mr. George W Bush condemned human cloning as " morally wrong". "We should not as a society grow life to destroy it" said the President "The use of embryos to clone is wrong".

        Many US states, including California have banned cloning and Congress is also considering to impose such a ban. The company Advanced Cell Technology(ACT) in Worcester Massachusetts USA which claim to clone the first human embryo, said, "This corporation(ACT) is creating human embryos for the sole purpose of killing them and harvesting their cells". This announcement of ACT , provoked angry reactions among Italy and inside the Vatican. Mr. Girolamo Sirchia, the Italian Health Minister, described human cloning as a crime against humanity. The Vatican Archbishop said that the church opposes any form of human conception that was not born from an act of love between husband and wife.

       Scientists at ACT said that the experiments were aimed at aiding stem cells research to treat a range of diseases providing hope for people with spinal injuries, heart diseases and other ailments, according to Dr. Robert P Langa, orle of scientist at ACT, this latest experiment " sets the pace of human therapeutic cloning as a potentially limitless source of immune campatible cells for tissue engineering and transplantation medicine". The company claimed that it has no intention of transplanting embroys in a woman's womb to give birth to a cloned human being. According to scientists, the stem cells could provide replacement for various body tissues and organs such as heart, pancreas and the nervous system.  Indeed stem cell research holds out promise of tackling wide range of diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson, diabetes, lymphoma and other blood disorders.

       When stem cell research could be so beneficial in curing various diseases in human being, then why human cloning is being condemned. The crux of the matter is human cloning should not be stopped at stem cell research. Its potential for gross misuse will make it virtual Frankenstein.

        The opponents of human cloning say that an embryo at any stage of development is a human life, worthy of protection and any kind of research that entails destroying an embryo is immoral, unethical, no matter worthy the intent may be. It involves human being as means, it turns human life into a commodity and fosters a culture of dehumanization. Another group of anti moralists find, such making a fuss against cloning is unreasonable and illogical they ask point blank, why do we permit abortion? We permit in vitrofertilization which creates nine or ten embryos of which all but one will be destroyed. Worst things are happening in our country where lacs of female foetuses are destroyed by parents, eager to have a male child with the connivance of doctors.

         The scientists have now started talking of designer babies which make it theoretically possible to genetically engineer our children with added heights or intelligence and removing defective genes or disabilities such as crystic fibrosis or alcoholism. The advocates of human cloning gave number of arguments as to how cloning could take modern society forward, it could prove a panacea for several diseases.

         Every such invention have merits and demerits. Human cloning could be misused to destroy the existing humanity and civilization. We have seen the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the spectrum of germs and chemical warfare. Scientists , Philosopher and thinker from all over the world should spoke out against human cloning, prompted by fears that the world has taken a step further towards nightmares of humans.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Information Technology

Recent advancements in Information Technology have transformed every facet of human life and revolutionised the world as never before witnessed in known human history.

            The world of computers, telecommunication, television, the internet and all other radio and visual media is facing rapid and radical changes presently. This has generated infinite and unimaginable new opportunities in education, communication, commerce, manufacturing, agriculture, health care, leisure and entertainment and more particularly the service sector. 'Information Technology' comprises computers, telecommunications, television, audio-visual media, development of software etc. Computer is the major segment of Information Technology which has permeated and grasped every sphere of existence of human society and become indispensable. The present day elegance, accuracy, sophistication, efficiency could have been made possible only with the invention of computers. Computer software are gradually becoming a decisive force in making important decisions. It has become the basis of modern scientific and technological invention and researches. The use of software has penetrated every walk of life, be it transportation, medicare, telecommunication, defence, industrial processing, entertainment, office utilities, space research, environment prediction and so on, with endless list.

            The Information Technology could be classified into two major components i.e.(1) Hardware, (2)Software. Hardware means the physical parts which can be touched and are used to run the software. Software are programme, or say heart and soul of the software.

            For the last two decades there has been tremendous ups and down in IT industry. IT has played an important role in making the Indian economy run at a much faster pace. During 2001-2002, when there was world economic slump, yet the IT sector managed to show an impressed growth. Though during this period, IT education segment showed a down turn. This trend has a fallout in the Indian IT educational training business. Though business volume decline a lot, yet an awakening had been created among the youth that IT is a must to go ahead in life. With IT becoming acceptable to all, it became apparent that people needed to know computers to excel in life.

           Recent studies conducted by leading IT associations and business intelligence concerns, have shown that our country will require millions of IT professionals upto 2005. A study conducted by NASSCOM also reveals that the demand of IT professionals during 2008 be much more than expected availability. The emerging IT enabled services(ITES) segment, has shown tremendous avenues of jobs for the IT professionals. A study conducted by NASSCOM(2008-2009) shows that the ITES sector will create job opportunities for over 1.5 million people in 2010. It is worth while to note that during the last 20 years, the IT industry's present trend reflects more than 20 time increase in ITES_BP segment. In spite of USA's restrictions on outsourcing from indian market, it is felt that with globalization the opening of economic fronts and markets becoming more competitive, it will be non profitable for the USA companies and business tycoons, if they restrict the outsourcing opportunities available from India. As such more and more job opportunities will be further generated in IT and ITES segment positively.

           After the Sep11th incident the IT industry went through some diffculties, though indian IT field did not felt the adverse effects as much as other developed countries, some indian youth went jobless albeit temporarily. The basic lesson that our country learnt in the post Sep11th era is that our software industry has to be made more robust and less fragile if we like to make it the most significant contributor to our economy.
Tremendous market potential that is available in our country in the area of tele-education, tele-medicine, entertainment, e- governance etc needs to be given business, if the IT made to touch everyone of the billion indian people, the IT market would become phenomenally large and it would become absolutely robust.

           Presently our IT industry has provided job to approximately 25 lac people and earning 100 billion dollars. Today our IT industry is proud that 300 of the fortune 500 companies are its clients, but with indian software professionals earning for foreign companies, if they are given proper opportunities in our country itself, then the things might change that out of 500 fortune companies, more than 50% may be Indian MNC's.

           Information Technology can contribute tremendously in the economic development, particularly the rural areas. It can become a prudent tool in integrating the nation., the remote localities that has so far been feeling a sense of neglect, will be part of development. Cell phone is becoming more and more approachable for a common man, with computer education made compulsory from primary and middle level, we can hope and aspire that within next few years, India will become more integrated and more economically robust.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Atom Bomb And Its Evils

It was German scientist named Onto Habur, who was successfull in making the atom bomb by splitting the atom. He got the Noble prize for 1944-45. It was America which first tested the Atom bomb in the deserts of Mexico. Later on, to bring the Second World War to an end, America dropped two atom bombs on Japan. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. After three days, on August 9 1945, the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. The world was horrified. Both the cities were raised to the ground. Nothing was left there. America came out the World War as the biggest and the mightiest country of the world.

          Now even the atom bomb has become a thing of the past. Scientist have been successful in fusing Hydrogen atoms into one Helium atom. From this fusion, they have made the Hydrogen bomb. It is said to be many times more destructive than the atom bomb. And still more destructive in the series is the Neutron Bomb prepared by America and Russia.

          Some people have argued that the atom bomb is the greatest security against a future World War. The world will now live in peace. Due to the fear of this dangerous bomb, no power will ever think of going to atomic war. But the facts are quite different. The world is today sitting on top of a volcano. Any moment, it may burst out and bring the world to an end. The fear of the atom bomb has started a mad race for it among all the nations. They are investing huge amounts of finances in piling up stocks of such bombs. The smaller countries, which do not have them, have no place in the world affairs. It is a challenge to mankind. Either man should put an end to war, or war will end him. Dr. Einstein, world famous scientist, told the people that the fourth War, if it all  breaks out. will be fought with bricks and stones. Indeed a third World War will reduce every thing in the world to ashes. The world today is the verge of extinction.

         How to save the world from the bomb? Great thinkers are busy in finding out some answer to this question. It has been suggested that the use of nuclear weapons should be banned. All nations should stop manufacturing them. Rajaji had once suggested to America that she should throw all her Atom and Hydrogen bombs into the sea. But no successful results have been achieved so far. Scientist are hopeful of finding out some means of protection against the Atom and Hydrogen Bombs. We can only live on hopes. Otherwise the danger is too great. Any moment of the entire civilization may come to an end.

        Gandhiji used to tell people that real answer to the atom bomb was the 'Atama Bal'. But to develop such spiritual force is not an easy task. Even then organised public opinion can play a vital role. People of all nations should unite together. They should force their Governments by their united voice to stop manufacturing and testing nuclear weapons. No Government can afford to go against its people. If the people are successful in organising such strong public opinion, then alone the world will be saved. This is the only way out against the danger of  the atom bomb.

         We are happy to note that some progress have been made in this direction. A test ban treaty banning the testing in air, water and on earth has been signed by most of the great countries of the world. Let us hope this step would lead to the next step, i.e. banning of the use of atomoic weapons and the destruction of all the nuclear bombs that are in stock with America and Russia.

          With the break up of the former Soviet Union the nuclear race between  the USA and Russia has ended. But China has also succeeded in making the atom bomb. India has also successfully conducted the underground nuclear explosions, though she is committed to the use of the nuclear energy for peaceful purposes only. Pakistan has also conducted underground nuclear explosion. Let us hope world will be free of nuclear bomb in the coming future.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Role Of Newspapers In The Modern Age

Newspapers, as their name suggests, provide us with News. With the spread of education, the popularity and importance of newspapers have increased by leaps and bounds. Everybody today wants to read a newspaper. Those who cannot read themselves wants others to read it out to them. Even in developing country like India, newspaper has become very popular. They are published in English, Hindi, Urdu and in all other regional dialects of the country. They are read, or listen to, with great interest by everybody. They exercise a profound influence on the minds of the people.

            The most important function of newspapers is to bring us news of the world. News is their chief interest and charm. They tell us what is happening not only in our country but in other countries of the world as well. Without newspapers, we would be like a frog in a well who knows nothing of the outside world.

             In a democratic country, like India they are important means of forming public opinion. They comment on current events and criticise or appreciate the conduct of the government. It is through them that the public comes to know of the problems that face the country and the different possible ways of solving those problems.They, thus, educate the public mind and enable the people to have their own opinions on matters of public importance. They, thus, make democracy possible. Everyone must read newspapers. This is essential for national importance. This is essential to keep down fissiparous tendencies.

            Besides this, the newspapers are also an important means of communication between the government and the people. It is through the newspapers that the government places its programmes, its policies, and its achievements before the public. The public also uses them to express its dissatisfaction with the the government. They voice the grievances of the people and suggest measures of reform. Thus, by expressing public opinion they serve as a check on the government. They are essential for the proper functioning of the democracy. The press is all powerful in a democracy. A free press is essential for its success.

           Newspapers are also an important means of advertisement. They help trade and commerce. If a trader or an industrialist wants to increase his business, he can do so by advertising his goods on the newspapers. They help both the employer and the employees through their 'wants' columns. The large number of advertisements of every kind is a clear proof of the popularity of the newspapers as a means of advertisement.

          But the newspapers have drawbacks also. They serve as a means of propaganda for the various political parties. Often views and comments are expressed through them that confuse the people and misguide them. The people fails to understand the truth. Sometimes, news are even twisted and distorted. At other times, they stir up class hatred. They sow seeds of communal quarrels. This misuse of newspapers did much to encourage agitations in Gujrat, Bihar and other parts of the country. Often they publish wrong advertisements which deceive and cheat people  and currupt the public taste by giving indecent pictures and advertisements.

         But these advantages are nothing in comparison with their manifold advantages. They are really a great use for the people. So they should be encourage in every way. On the whole, the habit of reading newspapers is a good one.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Mother Teresa: A True Legend

Mother Teresa was a woman of uncommon charisma and a legend of her time. Frail, tiny, soft spoken, always draped in a white sari with blue border, she was the world's most recognisable symbol of compassion and caring. She was a devout servant of Christ and always believed that the God has sent her to earth to serve the destitute and disabled, whom she served, she was their only source of comfort.

           Born on 26th August, 1910, Mother Teresa was named Agnes, Agnes Gonxha Bajaxhin was born at Skopje, Yugoslavia, in the kingdom of Albania. She was the daughter of an Albanian builder and the youngest of three children. Her father died when she seven. Her mother struggled to bring up the three children and Agnes imbibed her deep faith, her charitableness, a fierce determination from her mother. From the very beginning there was never any doubt where her life would go. At 12 she decided to become a nun. At 18 she decided to join the Loreto Order of nuns in Ireland, who were then serving in the field of education in India. Mother sailed for India in November 1928 and arrived  in Calcutta after seven weeks.

           After spending few days in Calcutta, she was sent to Loreto Novitiate in Darjeeling to begin the life of a novice. There she learnt English from the very beginning and as an Indian language, she picke up Bengali. She learned Bengali so well that she was called Bengali Teresa. After returning to Calcutta she joined St. Mary's School, under Loreto Convent as a teacher of Geography. Outside the high school wall were the Motijheel slums and she began to visit there frequently.

          On September 10 1946, on a train journey to Darjeeling, she heard a "Call within a call". She later explained "The message was clear. I was to leave the Convent and help the poor while living among them. It was an order". But leaving the Loreto Convent was even more difficult than leaving home. A European woman, wearing a cheap sari, with neither money nor helper, must have presented a strange sight. However it did not deter her from entering the slums. She gathered a few children around her and picking up a stick drew the letters of Bengali alphabet on the ground. She she was provided with a Blackboard, a chair and few teachers voluntered their services. The school became a reality. Within two years she had established a dispensary, a home for the dying where the poor could die in peace. Mother Teresa became a well known name among her chosen people, the poorest of the poor.

           Mother Teresa, took her name Teresa from the 16th Century nun called St. Teresa, the patron of missionaries. In 1950, she set up the Missionaries of charity and set for herself and her order a punishing life. The sisters in the early days kept only Rs. 1.50 with them as they roamed the city searching for the needy, the dying. She first lived in Creek Lane and eventually moved to a building on a Lower Circular Road, which came to be known world over as Mother House. In 1952, she opened her first home, "Nirmal Hriday". Today her Order works in 120 countries where it runs 469 educational establishments, 1369 clinics and 755 homes. However Mother made Calcutta her home and for the first 30 years, she did not step out of Bengal and also breathed her last on 5th Sept, 1997 in this city.

           Gradually Mother Teresa's work gained recognition. In 1979 she was honoured by Nobel Peace Prize. However, she asked the Nobel Prize Organization to cancel the traditional banquet and use the money to feed the children. In 1980 she was awarded Bharat Ratna and in 1962 she was awarded Padamshree. In the same year she was also given the Magasaysay award. She was also honoured by Leo Tolstoy International award and Pope John Peace Prize, When the Pope awarded her a limousine, she auctioned it for charity. Her list of awards is endless. She received over 50 national and international awards, but the greatest tribute to her services was the fact that she was referred to as 'Mother' by one and all. Her remarkable power of simple humility and her unconquerable faith in God, touched touched the heart of millions all over the world.

          Though barely 5ft in height, the rich, the powerful, the famous were dwarfed by her. She travelled tirelessely the streets of the world, seving, caring, loving the poor, the unwanted. She said that the poor do not want bread, they want love, the naked do not want clothes, they want human dignity. She lived among the poor as a poor. Infact she spent her years in a room without a fan. For her caring for the poor was a way of reaching out to Christ.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Achievements Of Modern Science

The present age is the age of science. science has influenced every walk of life. Today man cannot live even for a while without the use of one or the other of its inventions. Science has provided us with all possible comforts and has increased our happiness. Let us here duscuss some of the important of its wonders.

         Science has provided us swift means of communications. The simple villagers still consider the railways as the work of gods. The railways have removed all the dangers and difficulties that man had to face during a journey in the past. By the steamship man has acquired complete mastery over the wild oceans. In the aeroplane, he can fly like birds. One can now take lunch in Delhi and dinner in Bombay, or calcutta. The globe has shrunk and the world has become a small place. Science has acquired time and space.

         Still more wonderfull is the invention of the wireless devices. It is now possible to talk to a person at a distance of thousands of kilometers. Through the radio we can enjoy songs, dialogues, stories etc. We can talk to our relatives & friends living in any part of the world thorough cell phones.
We can listen to news from every corner of the world. We have not to go anywhere, we have simply to turn the switch of our radio. Through the television we can also see the face of the singer or the speaker. The wireless devices has proved to be a great blessing for mankind and is serving the humanity in various ways.

          Science has invented many wonderfull machines. There is a machine for every purpose of life. Cranes can lift heavy weights. Tractors can plough fields, sow seeds and reap crops. Machines can cook our food and serve it for us. In short, machines have lessened human drudgery and added to our comfort and happiness.

          Electricity is another wonder of science. It has turned night into day. In the winter it heats our rooms and in the summerit cools them. It moves our fans and other machines. Our cinemas, radio and TV sets are all worked by it. Even trains are now running by it. It is impossible to describe in full the manifold services of the wonders of science.

          Science has also achieved wonders in the field of medicine. There is now a cure for almost all kinds of diseases. Vaccines check the spread of infections as cholera, smallpox, etc. Peniciline and Streptomycine have proved to be a boon for the human body. Through the X ray and cat scanners we can see the inner parts of the human body. Soon, it will become possible to cure cancer & AIDS also. Heart surgery has already  become a matter of routine. Medical science has conquered pain and suffering and lengthened human life. It has given eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf, voice to the dumb and hand and feet to the cripple.

         Computer is another recent wonder of science. Computer is a machine which process information and preserves memory. Computer makes calculations at a very fast rate. Computer are being used in every field eg, medicine, communication, space research, predicting weather, banks, industry, business and scientific research, predicting weather. The computer is the most honest and humble servant of humanity. It does not get involved in corrupt practise and favouritism. Being a machine a computer does not suffer fom the human traits of tiredness and lack of concentration and other weakness.

         It is not possible to enumerate all the wonders of modern science. Everyday we hear a new wonder. Some years ago the atom was broken and its energy was used to produce the dreadful Atom bomb. It is hoped that the peaceful uses of this tremendous energy would bring in an age of peace and prosperity, such as the world has never seen before. Scientists have succeeded in sending man into outer space and in bringing him back to earth. It is hoped in the future there would be more progress in the field of science and it continue the serve the mankind and make its life easier.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Capital Punishment In Indian Perspective

Capital punishment is the punishment of death for a penalty for violating the laws of the country. Since ancient times people have been put to death for wrong deeds. Some of the methods of execution includes practices such as crucifixion, burning, shooting, drowning, beheading etc.

            In modern times the death penalty is one of the most harsh punishment. Other physical forms of punishment have generally been eliminated as being unnecessary at modern era. The nations of the orld have different views on the issue of Capital Punishent. About 80 percent nations have abolished the death penalty & almost same number of nations have retained it.

           The most important thing is that every person in the society has an equal right to life and persuit of happiness. But still there is some justification of capital punishment since some acts are so destructive for our society that it becomes necessary to punish that person. In a society it is expected that every person honour & respect the claims of others. The denial of life & opportunity to another person reject one's claim to continue in the society.

           The capital punishment is necessary for the sake of maintaining law & order in the society. But the question is whether the capital punishment in extreme cases or not.

            Our society must promote  the fullfillment of common goals to coordinate our lives. In a society everyone must live with mutual love and contribute towards the better living. Mahatma Gandhi has rightly said " An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind". Those who are a threat to others life must be dealt with severely so that they could not become threat to others life. But it will be good for the society to find out the reasons and circumstances which are responsible for such crimes and rectify apart from punishing the culprits.

          There are arguments for and against the capital punishment. Some people favour the capital punishment since they think that it will act as a restrained to others to act in the same way. But there are a lot of arguments against the capital punishment. some of them are given below:

  1. Wrong judgement: Some times an innocent person is put to death. It may be due to reasons such as revenge, hatred against some caste, bias, etc. Most of the victims are poor are unable to defend themselves due to lack of resources.

2. Long confinement before death: Some times people on death row are confines for a long time before the final judgement is arrived. Hence a person suffers many a times in the jail before final execution takes place. There has been some cases when an inmate has died  in the jail premishes before he could be executive because of unnecassary delay in pronouncing the order.

In final conclusion we can say that the capital punishment are considered by most as unnecessary & degrading for the society.

Antibiotics drugs resistance

The discovery of world's first antibiotic known as penicillin was the most amazing discovery in the 20th century.Its commercialisation started in the  early 1940s. At that time during the World War 2, it brought about a radical improvement in global life expectancy. It was the first time in the human history that people no longer died because of an infected battle wound, or of a severe throat infection or tuberculosis, all mortal afflictions untill Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming and other collaborators gave the world a miracle cure against dangerous bacteria.

          The miracle came with a warning. In 1945, fleming warned that indiscriminate use of penicillin could lead to the creation of mutant drug resistant bacteria. There was evidence of that happening as early as 1946, but the continous discovery of new antibiotics in the dacades that follow made everyone complacent. Now, nearly 70 years later, there is a growing evidence that several bacteria have become completely resistant to traditional antibiotics. We could potentially regress to a past when millions of people lost their lives to diseases we thought we had conquered, including tuberculosis. which is rampant in India. Nowhere have antibiotics been quite as widely abused as in India. Some of that has to do with the over eagerness of doctors who sometimes prescribe antibiotics for say, viral infection. The drugs have no impact on the illness but foster the growth of drug resistant bacteria. It is also far too easy for people to buy antibiotics in India. Self medicating patients buy a lot of such medicines without a necessary prescription from a doctor. Worryingly, they don't know the correct dosages. A majority of chemists put profit for good sense to facilitate this carelessness.

          The fact is that retail sales of antibiotics in India have grown at a rate of 6-7 percent per annum between 2005 and 2010 whereas in the US, for the same period, sales have not grown, remaining stable.

             The latest date produced by the World Health Organization and India's own medical community shows an alarming 70 percent of Indians are resistant to multiple, cutting edge antibiotics. It is estimated that 30 percent of patients admitted to Intensive Care Units in India die because of antibiotic resistance to infections they have picked up. Unfortunately, there have been hardly any new antibiotic drug discoveries in the past two decades. That means that there are no superdrugs in the pipeline ready to fight the menace of resistant bacteria. India and indeed the rest of the world, could be on the brink of health crisis.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Distance Education

The pursuit of education and knowledge is a way to enlightenment but acqusition of educational qualification is a challenging endeavour. more so in India where we need to factor in variables such as socio-economic backgrounds, accessessibility and availability of quality education resources at a local level and above all, cost. Many young students are even forced to stall their studies in between due to such compulsions.

         Distance education does provide an opportunity for continued learning but has historically suffered from reputation paralysis and a weak delivery model. These courses were launched to cater to a market that was an indeed is still, geographically dispersed, financially deficient and in need of quality education, for both individual and social upliftment. Nevertheless, this Cinderella of the indian education sector is enjoying a period of spectacular growth right now, with professionals recognising the demands of educational upgradation and a social-economic scenarion supportive of qualitative education.

          Across the board, distance educaton in India is gaining relevance. More and more people are opting for such courses;  from courses at National Institute of open scholling or NIOS(for school level courses) to IGNOU(for Bachelors and Masters level courses) to IMT-CDL(management education) to even PhD programmes, there is a wide variety to suit every need and schedule. these institutes help perform vital education function, making learning available to the masses; and are designed to suit their needs and comfort. They are even attracting students from across the globe. At IGNOU, IMT_CDL and other institutions, there are many foreign students enrolled at present.

           India has a growing reputation as a place of education, simultaneously, accsessible, affordable and at par with global standards. An emphasis on quality has always been there and an increasing percolation and use of online resources creates better access to a wider student base, even globally. the challenges of meeting ths demand without compromising on quality lie in the  development of trained faculty resources, development of e-resources, flexibility towards meeting the needs of the learners, delivery related concerns and keeping the courses relevant and in sync with ever changing market dynamics.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Polio eradication from India

India was declared polio free on 13 january 2011. As a result of it the World Health Organization(WHO) has removed it from the list of polio endemic countries on Feb 2012, after India completed one year without any case of polio from any part of the country.

         The progress made by India in eradicating polio have proved that effective strategies can be implemented even in most adverse and challenging conditions.

          After India's success against polio only three countries in the world are considered to be polio endemic. These countries are Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.

How to find best B schools in india

The top management institutes in India can be selected based on certain categories and parameters.
       A qualitative analysis of B-schools can give us quiet a clear picture regarding certain parameters like placement statistics, quality of faculty members, the overall image of the institute etc.
       Broadly the categorization of management institutes basically are meant to aid the students while applying to any institute. But it should be left to students to make independent inquiries before taking a final decision on which institute he/she should apply to.
        B schools in India make every attempt to attract young students to join their institutes by making tall claims regarding their ranking and placement records. It is therfore sometimes confusing for the MBA aspirants to select a particular B school because every institute show their overall ranking to be better than the other B schools.
        Hence the students should make inquiries through various mediums like magazines, search engines, newspapers etc. before arriving at a final decision. It is a very difficult to provide a clear picture on the overall ranking on various B schools because that may be contradictory in nature.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

India's declining sex ratio

In India, there is a rapid decline in the sex ratio which is a cause of great concern.
    Most countries especially the developed ones have a healthy 0-6 child ratio. But in  India it is not the same story.
     The sex ratio of 927 in the 0-6 age group is the overall national average. There are many states in India where the ratio has dropped even below 900. The states like Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttrakhand, Haryana, Delhi and Gujrat have seen most of the decline in the sex ratio in recent years. Most of these states are healthy & economically strong. But they have poor sex ratio. On the other hand some backword & poor states have a sex ratio better than the national average.
      Several reasons are attributed to the decrease in the no. of girl childs like neglect of girl child, high maternal mortality, female infanticide and female foeticide and misuse of diagnostic procedures and instruments like ultrasound which are used to determine the sex of the foetus.
     The descrimination against the girl child is a concern for Indian Government. Govt of India has inacted various laws against the use of diagnostic techniques for sex selection. The Pre conception & Pre Natal Diagnostic Technique(PC & PNDT Act) is such an act to prevent the misuse of diagnostic technique. This act also prohibits advertisement regarding facilities of pre natal determination of sex of the foetus.The violation of this Act is pinishable with imprisonment.
        The Govt of India is using various campaigns to make people aware against the ill effect of poor male-female sex ratio.But despite the efforts of the govt, civil society, NGOs and UN agencies no  much progress has been made.And therfore new strategies & efforts must be made to end this menace in society.

Monsoon calling

The recent pre monsoon showers has given a lot of respite to people across North India. The average rainfall in the month of June in most parts of North India has been above average and everyone is expecting a good monsoon this time around.  I hope this year there would be no droughts as it happened previous year.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

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