Friday, August 23, 2013

Causes of Corruption in India

Root cause of corruption is some loop-whole of our Governance system. Our Constitution , one of unique constitution among all , was made by some patriot leaders with wisdom for the interest of common citizen of this country but our Governance system borrowed from British colonial secretariate system (Which was made by British to rule this country and keeping natives under their control) given absolute power to Buerocrats & Politicians (ruling or opposition), with backdoor support of Traders & capitalist., who shares cream of powers among each others and looks after each others interests by be fooling billions of illiterate cityzen by taking opportunities of democracy and faulty electoral system.
Our politicians cum Ministers enjoys absolute powers of administration without any accountabilities.Police forces are demoralized being corrupt , used by politicians to safegurd them and in exchange politician guard them from punishment . Powers without accountability and lack of transpirency are the root causes of corruption in India.

Possible Solution:

1. People oriented Administration reform is urgently required instead of Government oriented administration exists now. Accountabilties to be fixed.

2. Regorous punishment for tax evaders(Minimum five years RI) and capital punishment(death) for saditious activist and rapist.

3. Immediate Law Commission is required to be set up to make our laws(CRPC & IPC) more easily accessible by common people. All laws should be translated in common language. In India doctrine of "Show me the man ,I will show you the rule" prevails.

4. Fundamental Duties should be equally enforcable in the court of law as Fundamental Rights given by Constitution.

5. Compulsory Education for Every Children from Kanya Kumari to Kashmir and Tripura to Gujrat.More Budget allocation for education .

6. Compulsory military training for every young man & women seeking Government employment.(Doctor/Engine /Accountant/ Teacher/Clerk/Officers Etc Etc.)

7. Our Trained Arm forces in peace formation should be used as part time teacher for adult education at villages at no war time. After all ,tax payers money spend on them should be properly utilized.

8. Compulsory Population Control Scheme. irrespective of religion,caste or community.

9. There should not be any Minority or Majority with religious identity. There should not be any Schedule caste or General caste. It is the Governments who are playing divide & rule Policy since last 60 years ,like Britishers played in last to last 200 years. There should be one identity ie INDIAN by Birth ,INDIAN by domicile as per constitution. Terrorism shall be automatically finished.

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