Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Some Indian Superstitions

Superstition can be defined as a belief in the power of omens, the usefulness of ceremonials, and the existence of supernatural beings. Superstition and ignorance go together. The Indians are ignorant and backward. Most of them do not know even how to write their names. So India is a land of superstitions. The people believe in a number of omens, perform a number of ceremonies to achieve their ends, and live in a constant fear of ghosts and evil spirits. But this does not mean that such superstitions are peculiar to India alone. They exist in every country of the world. for example, even the advanced and highly educated Europeans are highly superstitious. To give only one example, number thirteen is regarded as inauspicious among them. Even today, we find not a single one of their hotels with a room having the number thirteen on it, for no one would like to stay on it.

           Even a moment's thought reminds us of a number of common Indian superstitions. One should not go out if any one sneezes, or if one sees a man with an empty pitcher, or a cat crosses one's path, for these are ill omens and are sure to bring ill luck. to see a one eyed man early in the morning is considered highly inauspicious, and one who sees him is sure not to get his meals during the day. The sitting of an owl over the house top is a sure sign of approaching ruin and destruction. If a crow crows early in the morning, the housewife is sure that she would have some guest during the day.

           Many of the Indian superstitions are based on sound reasoning and common sense. The grown ups should not cross over the child as it would check his growth. This superstition is an embodiment of wisdom. If the grown ups cross over the child, they might injure it. The food of the baby should be covered with a cloth or a towel. This is a warning against the baby being given exposed food with a possible bacterial infection. Its food should never be left uncovered. Closed wells are abode of evil spirits and so one should never go closer to them. We now know that poisonous gases  come out of such wells and are likely to cause great injury to the health of a person who goes near them. Similarly, the superstitions that peepal trees are nightly abodes of ghosts and that it is a sin ti pluck flowers at night are all based on sound scientific reasons. They are the attempts of our ancient sages to teach science to people in a popular way.

          Superstitions regarding ghosts and evil spirits are signs of human weakness. Man is weak and he lives in constant fear of unknown dangers that lurk in the dark and lonely corners. No one has ever seen a ghost in the broad daylight or on busy thoroughfare. Man's intellect is baffled by the numerous accidents and unseen misfortunes that befall him so suddenly and when he least expect them. Who can be their cause and author? Surely they must be caused by some evil spirits that hover around them always ready to do him harm. He must keep them in good humour, for his own good. Hence the performance of various ceremonies to please them and to win their favour.

          Ignorance breeds superstition. Hence they tend to disappear with an increase in literacy. Once people begin to understand the right relation of things and the real cause of phenomenons, they ceased to be superstitious. With the march of science and popular awakening, many of the superstitions have already lost their hold on the minds of the people. But many of them are so deeply rooted that no amount of knowledge or science can weaken their hold or fully shake them off. That is why so many superstitions still persists, even in the most advanced countries of the world.

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